Head of Office

Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura

E-Gov Service to Assam Government

[http://cmo.assam.nic.in/cms] Safal Jyoti (Peep)
Measuring and Enhancing the performance through online monitoring of five schemes implemented in the districts.

[http://cmo.assam.nic.in/fms] File Monitoring System (FMS)
Online monitoring of File Movement in Assam Sachivalaya.

[http://cmo.assam.nic.in/login.asp] Chief Minister's Relief Fund
Acceptance of applications seeking relief from Chief Minister's Fund and disbursement.

E-Gov Systems for NIC

[http://www.assam.nic.in/neprojects/] ICT Infrastructure Projects for NE States
DIT sponsored projects implemented by NIC in North East States. It includes Infrastructure development like CIC, VC Studio, Subdivision Networking and Secretariat LAN projects.

[http://www.assam.nic.in/e-man"] Assets Management System (e-Man)
All assets of NIC Assam are maintained online through e-Man.

[href="http://www.assam.nic.in/egfias] E-Gov Framework
NIC Assam developed software applications with detailed information.

Geographic Information System

[http://gisassam.nic.in] District GIS of Assam
Online GIS maps upto Block level of the Districts.

NIC Assam Support

Toll Free Numbers
Call the Toll Free numbers to lodge your complaint on VSAT, DAMA etc. problems directly to NIC Support.

Call: 1600-11-2489 / 1800-11-2489

NOC, Guwahati
Call support team for network problems in Assam Sachivalaya and other offices connected through leased line to NOC at: 0361-2233302